Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"You Can't Handle The Truth!": Deciphering The Real From The Fake: The Conclusion of Handling My Mis-educaton

Lately I've been running into a lot of different information regarding society, spirituality, humanity, and a host of other myths and systems of beliefs that would truly drive a sane man mad. Surprisingly, a good bit of the information is true, drawing from history and little known facts that would undoubtedly cause one to dig deeper in efforts to challenge whats been said, other information could be charged to conspiracy theories and a lack of supporting evidence to support claims. Yet even with all the different information, theories, and proof of lies and wrong doing, I've chosen to turn a blind eye of sorts. Besides, ignorance is bliss, right?

Not exactly. Just because I'm deciding to put on blinders won't keep me from seeking the truth in efforts to draw my own conclusions nor will it keep the truth from finding me. Life always gives you what you need exactly when you need it and not a second sooner. Its kind of like religion, we all believe in God, The All, The Creator, Jesus, Allah, or whatever name or title that floats your boat but within each subset there are different sets of morals and standards that the other doesn't necessarily agree with because they have different beliefs, or codes of conduct that they believe is the only way of life. That's what this is for me. My choosing to shift my own paradigm and choosing what I believe, that for some won't particularly make sense, but makes all the sense in the world to little ole ME. Now, this won't be me wonder around with a half  head of braids chanting "na-jee-romba" in a maroon cloak like Martin Lawrence on the episode when he joined the cult (that's still hilarious, I love reruns!), more than that it's me allowing truth to enter my consciousness while allowing the universe to show me what exactly that information means for me and how I can apply it to become better mind, body and spirit daily; it's me choosing to see things in truth and deciding whether I want to participate.

There are so many different schools of thoughts, too many actually to recite and besides that, I couldn't even if I tried, for a lack of genuine understanding, but the thing that makes the most sense for me in the approach I've chosen to take is first educating myself, after that its choosing to draw from it what I will and leaving the rest . Facts of the matter is there is a really big world out there, impossible to digest in one sitting so deeming myself UN-educated rather than MIS-educated doesn't really benefit me either. That being said a few goals to help me win this battle is getting to know myself and The Creator and how we relate,  along with meeting and vibing with different people to educate me on what they know, be it cars, parenting, religion, economics, sex, drugs, rock and roll, and in turn offering them my knowledge to become, theoretically a student of life and as a student I am going to listen and learn as much as possible to pass all the test or at least get a high C (get it?!).  For me that's the beginning to becoming a know it all (or a "I know someone who knows all about"-it all ), just kidding!

 I'm not removed from the reality that here on earth are certain systems that absolutely control any and every single thing we digest, from food to water to the t.v. we watch to the clothes we buy, some call it "Illuminati" I call it the "selfish hatin' muthafuckers trynna hold us back" (in my Rick Rosey voice). What I know for sure is that we've all been placed here for a reason, and it's left up to us individually to decipher what that purpose is and how the Creator desires for us to use it. We were all wonderfully and beautifully created in his image so whatever the gift given it belongs to Him, so who are we not to give back and share with the world what we've been given. In my personal belief the first step to doing so is going within and hearing that "still small voice" some call it a hunch, intuition, butterflies, "something told me", I choose to call it my "inner G", and that voice, once you've gotten to thoroughly know it, will always be the absolute honest to GOD truth! And you can take that to the bank!

Lesson Learned: Everything ain't for everybody, so do what works for YOU!

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