I've been single for awhile now and I still can't say that I have a strong handle on this dating thing. Sure I've dated guys and had a few pointless drifters and some meaningful encounters as well, but what happens when your honesty is not very well received? AWKWARD SHIT happens, that's what!
I've just started schmoozing with a friend of a friend and he is a pretty cool dude. We've spoken on a few different occasions and seem to have taken a likeness to one another. The truth is that the both of us are recently out of relationships (he and his ex broken up for roughly 6 months, my ex and I 7 months) so both of us are pretty much unofficially operating in a "I like-you-but-you-may-be-crazy-so-I-still-have-my wall-up" manner, yet it's pretty clear that we're both looking for the same thing...Loooove. Hell, at this point who isn't. However I'm pretty sure there are certain thing that shouldn't be said and done in the very early stages of courting, like oh I don't know, telling a person that you Facebook stalked them for instance (...yup, don't do that).
This guy and I met at that same friend's house party where there was lots of drinking, and loud music and fun, not to mention dim lighting (whats a house party without dim lighting?). Add those things to the fact that I can't really see at night and you have a perfect recipe for oblivion. I'm all for meeting new people so when she called and told me he was interested I looked at it as an opportunity to expand my offline friends list and see what he was about worse case secenrio we woulnd be compatible . One convo led to another and now I'm interested too. Enter curiosity. This guy and I had had a brief interaction at the party but as I once stated, there was LOTS of drinking. So curiosity got the best of me. Which led to me going through my friend's friends list and looking at his profile, (what I could see anyway) which then led to me jokingly texting him, and that exchange went a lil' sumtin like this:
ME: "I went fb stalkin today....I had to get a clearer pic of the man who's been sayin sweet nothings in my ear lol."
HIM: ...
ME: (13 minutes later) Oh, shit. This is awkward "Disregard"
HIM: (about an hour later) "Wooow! really lol I can send you some"
Albeit, I don't consider myself one of those people who are constantly on FB looking at pics of ex's and making up statuses about how absolutely fabulous my life is without them while really I'm on the absolute verge of a breakdown. The truth of the matter is I really am on Facebook for the intent and purposes of networking. But it was something about this guy that really intrigued me, so much so that I took to Facebook to see exactly what I was getting myself into.
He eventually asked me to call him to "discuss" what I had seen which was code for, "I need to ask you some questions to see how crazy you are" then we made jokes about it and moved on. He was pretty cool about it and I was relieved! It's funny how in this day and age we really do things in a snap shot manner. Post pics now, regret horrible comments later. I'm glad this time around my voyeuristic ways weren't looked upon as weird or stalkerish which if he was to have that notion I wouldn't totally diagree with him. But in this situation, I am just a woman trying to get to know a stranger from a damn near lightless basement in efforts to make sure she was not wasting time with another pointless drifter or a booger bear... Shoot me!
Lesson Learned: Don't stalk people's Facebook page...well, don't tell them you're stalking them anyway! At that point you become a stalker!
What would you have done???